REMINDER: Donate your (unused) trinkets, Collection Ends Friday, the 20th!

The bin is in front of the school--send your trinkets in to our PTA Trinket Drive!  Don't let those leftover 3 pull-back cars and 7 fidget eraser toppers gather dust in your closet any more! 

We'll repurpose your clutter as small prizes for future events, freeing up space in your closets (at least until your students win a game and repatriate some of it).  Please send in unused, elementary-age-appropriate trinkets from your stash (no need to go out and buy them).  Help us save money, save your space, save our planet, and delight the students!

A bin for collection will be in front of the main doors, to the left of the entrances, from NOW through Friday January 20th.  It will be checked at least daily for security purposes.  Thank you in advance for your contribution!

 Questions?  Email