Virtual Class Pictures TOMORROW, February 16th!
/Greetings Fox Mill Parents!
In an effort to have as complete a yearbook as possible, and one that reflects this unique year, we are planning to have each home room teacher take a virtual class photo on the morning of 2/16/21. These pictures will only be used for the yearbook, no other purposes. If you do not want your child pictured in this class photo, please email your teacher, and they will remind your student to turn their camera off prior to taking the photo. Students will be welcome to use a virtual background for the photo if you or they do not want their surroundings included.
Currently very few pictures have been submitted by parents for inclusion in the yearbook. If you would like your student included beyond the class photo, please submit pictures to, include your student(s) name, grade, and home room teacher's name. Pictures of students engaged in virtual learning, including during specials times (PE, Music, Art, Counseling, AAP, even lunch), or pictures at the playground or otherwise at the school (picking up supplies, etc) would be greatly appreciated! First day of school pictures are also wanted!
If your student would like to do a drawing of something school related (school supplies, something related to their favorite subject, something reflecting on the virtual learning, etc.) in colored pencil, marker (no crayon), or digital drawing we would also like to include these in the yearbook! Hand drawings will need to be scanned (not taken as a phone picture). All art can be submitted to with your students name, grade, and home room teacher's name.
We are finalizing a plan to get typical spring portraits taken! More information will be coming out on this soon!
Thank you for your assistance in making the yearbook possible this year!
Sarah Jones, Yearbook Coordinator