Please Help Us Welcome the Yabe Exchange Students from Japan!
/Yabe exchange students from Japan are arriving on Saturday afternoon, October 12th. There are 12 students coming, and they will stay until Sunday, October 20th. The students will be with our 5th and 6th graders most of the day at school, then we will have activities for the exchange students to engage in for the last part of the school day.
There are many ways all of us can get involved in meeting them and making them feel very welcome!
Volunteers needed for help with fun afternoon activities for the exchange students. Everything is organized, extra hands are needed from 1:20-3:30:
Potluck Picnic at Fox Mill School! Wednesday, October 16th at 5:00! Please RSVP and bring a dish to share. Hope to see you there!!
If you have any questions, please contact Karen Rutland at Thanks!!